From the Principal's Desk Mission & Vision
Timings Leaving Certificates

Principal's Message

We are working for the world of education
Where every heart is disciplined
A land of love, peace and equality
As we travel all together
believing in the dream.
This is the time to celebrate
God’s great blessings.

Education is not about competition, it is about nurturing children. Children are not only interested in how things work; but are also interested in how life works. That is a lesson they cannot learn from a computer or curriculum. Self worth is gained through relationships. Teachers who love their students inculcate these values.

“Only passions, Great passions can elevate the soul to great heights”. It’s indeed true of John XXIII School. The vision of Mother Hemma was filled with immense passion to serve the students in education. It is a collective effort of good will, time, and energy. The school imparts value based quality education and aims for the holistic growth of every student through curriculum and co- curricular activities

It is rightly quoted, “You don’t become enormously successful without encountering some really interesting problems”. Therefore, we consider each rebuff, as an opportunity to move forward and an experience to learn. I pray, May the Almighty lead us to reach the pinnacle of challenges with the help of the management, teachers, staff, parents and students.